anyone elses valorant stuck in loading screen after updating to 8.11?

curious, sent support ticket with rtt
25 Replies
Support Agent
Support Agent4w ago
If you're stuck on the loading screen after updating to patch 8.11, it's a common issue that can often be resolved with some basic troubleshooting steps: 1. Restart VALORANT and the Riot Client. 2. Run as Administrator: Right-click both the Riot Client and VALORANT shortcuts, select "Run as administrator." 3. End Background Tasks: Close unnecessary background programs that might interfere with the game, especially any overlay software like Discord, NVIDIA GeForce Experience, or OBS. 4. Update Graphics Drivers: Ensure that your GPU drivers are up-to-date. 5. Check Firewall Settings: Make sure VALORANT is allowed through any firewall or security software you have. 6. Repair the Game: Open the Riot Client, go to settings, and run a repair on VALORANT. 7. Reinstall VALORANT and Vanguard: If all else fails, try uninstalling both VALORANT and Riot Vanguard, then reinstalling them. For persistent issues, continue to monitor your support ticket response. The Riot support team might provide additional steps specific to your configuration.
I am an AI and I can make mistakes, please verify my answer. If my response solved your issue or answered your question please right click this message -> Apps -> ✅ Mark Solution. Thank you!
VANGUARD Main4w ago
This is an issue with files loading off of your disk. You might have a HDD. If you do, you should defragment it or get an SSD and place Valorant on it. Use windows key + r than type "dfrgui" to check what type of drive you have. Learn how to defragment:
Solid State Drives (SSD) and Hard Disk Drives (HDD) are data storage devices. SSDs are usually much smaller, thinner, and offer more storage volume, speed, and efficiency compared to HDDs.
! mewo (grounded till july ish)
i run it on ssd smh
Saucywan4w ago
Are you having a problem with ping ingame?
! mewo (grounded till july ish)
i cant even log on
Saucywan4w ago
Show the error please / problem
! mewo (grounded till july ish)
no error code just stucks also i fixed it by disabling governor and reenbling it after first update launch
Saucywan4w ago
You said you can't log in Can you show me why you can't log in?
! mewo (grounded till july ish)
because i am stuck in the loading screen
Saucywan4w ago
You don't log in in the loading screen? Anyway so your only problem is that you don't load, correct?
Saucywan4w ago
So is that when you first open the game or when you are actually playing / loading into a match
! mewo (grounded till july ish)
what do you think
Saucywan4w ago
! mewo (grounded till july ish)
if i cant log onto the game then which loading screen am i refering to
Saucywan4w ago
Either stop being sarcastic and actually answer my questions or I will just leave
! mewo (grounded till july ish)
bro i told you im stuck in the loading screen and if i cant even log onto the game then which loading screen am i refering to that isnt sarcastic
Saucywan4w ago
But the thing is; is that you don't log into the game inside of valorant
! mewo (grounded till july ish)
log onto the game as in getting in the main menu broo
Saucywan4w ago
... One moment while I send instructions
Saucywan4w ago
No description
! mewo (grounded till july ish)
did that 2 days ago deleted whole config folder too
Saucywan4w ago
You followed those exact instructions?
engys11963w ago
Do i restart my laptop afterwards Wait injuust realized my problem was being stuck in the loading screen for a long time ingame, i did those instructions is it gonna affect me?