TPM 2.0 not enabling in bios
I'm getting the TPM error in Valorant and when I go into my bios to enable my TPM it seems to disable automatically as Valorant can't run after I enable it and there's no TPM found when I check tpm.msc. My mother board is a ASROCK z730 OEM Pro4 and my cpu is a intel brand.
54 Replies
Ai help didnt work
can someone help me
someone help me bruh cuz i cant play valorant at all and ive looked at tutorials to fix it but it wont work
Show the error please
i get its a tpm issue but when i enable my tpm in my bios it automatically disables

win+r, tpm.msc, send a photo
win+r, msinfo32, send a photo


i see at the bottom it says
tpm not usable
does that mean i need to upgrade or?
you know how to fix it?
Do you know how to go to your bios
ive been in it before and found the setting but it seems to automatically disable like ive said
Can you show me the photo of that specific section where you try to enable it
It could be an easy fix
Or it could be something why you need to update your bios
so you want me to go into bios and show the setting?
with a picture

And how do you exit your bios?
sorry i had school
ill record a video
You're most likely going to have to update your bios
Do you have a usb drive?
i could get one
okay wait let me have a look around
to get one
do they need to be empty cuz i have a few but they have stuff on it
Yes but you can copy the files onto your computer first
And then once the update is done put the files back onto the USB stick
So just make a new folder to copy the files onto my computer?
alright i did that
Wait do you have a modded motherboard?
I dont think so
is there a way to check?
Where did you buy your computer?

Because if it is a modded one I can't safely proceed to update it
"Reborn by dsanke"
it was a prebuilt and they said that the mother board was just brand new
is the oem a mod or?

This is the specific problem
The version is supposed to have a version number
And it is not a number
Meaning that someone manually tampered with the firmware
So it's extremely dangerous to update your BIOS at this point
Updating your bios could potentially break the entire board
is that from the msinfo32
a) Update your BIOS ignoring my caution
b) Cancel the update,
1) Buy a new motherboard
2) Contact riot with this info
Pick 👍
or b1
or b2
i think i might try b1 cause i dont want to risk anything
riot wasnt much of a help when i told them the problem
Yeah sorry this is just an unlucky situation
do you have any recommendations for a new motherboard?
Not really I don't even know what cpu you have
Considering that the cpu was also modded

its a intel core i9 10980hk
is them being modded bad?
Not really
But you lose your warranty, And they may be unstable
with my cpu being a intel core i9 10980hk do you know any good motherboards?
For that you would need a 500 gen board
so 510, 560, 590, etc
There are a lot of good boards it's kind of hard to go wrong
so basically anything that's a 500 gen board will work
should i be aware of like the size of the board im buying
Do you have a micro ATX case?

mines a mid tower atx
its the corsair spec delta
Then as long as your motherboard isn't ATX or EATX
Your fine
so i need a micro atx motherboard?
thanks for your help!