Pc optimize

Can anyone help me optimize my pc and stuff because I messed with nvidea control pannel and I get like very low max fps. If anyone has good settings or knows what I can change I would be very greatful ty
1 Reply
Support Agent
Support Agent9mo ago
To optimize your PC for VALORANT after changing settings in the NVIDIA Control Panel, try the following steps: 1. Restore Default Settings: Open NVIDIA Control Panel -> Manage 3D settings -> Global Settings -> Restore to default. 2. Adjusting Settings: - Set Power management mode to Prefer maximum performance. - Set Texture filtering - Quality to High performance. - Disable V-Sync if it’s enabled. 3. In-Game VALORANT Settings: - Resolution: Set to your monitor’s native resolution. - Display Mode: Fullscreen. - Material, Texture, Detail, and UI Quality: Low. - Vignette, V-Sync, Anti-Aliasing, Anisotropic Filtering: Off. - Improve Clarity, Experimental Sharpening, Bloom, Distortion, First Person Shadows: Off. 4. Windows Power Plan: Go to Control Panel -> Power Options -> Select High performance. 5. Update Drivers: Ensure your NVIDIA drivers are up-to-date from the GeForce Experience app or NVIDIA’s website. 6. Background Applications: Close unnecessary applications that might be running in the background. After applying these settings, restart your PC and check your performance in VALORANT.
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