Secure boot not enabled error
Guys I have the issue I have secure boot and tmp or what it was called enabled and it still gives me the error
24 Replies
win+r, msinfo32, send a photo
Also send a photo of the error
is it bad if its on german?
then 1 sec pls
ok I need to wait 3 mins got I crashed in game but heres the pic

I hate this error u pretty much gotta hard reset pc to fix it
Restart Computer
Press Del key while booting to get into BIOS
Make sure it's in Advanced Mode (If it's in Easy Mode press F2)
Go to "Boot" tab at the top
Find: "CSM Support", Make sure its DISABLED
Find: "Secure Boot", Set Secure boot to enabled
Find: "Secure Boot Mode", It should be Standard, SET it to Custom
Find: "Restore factory keys", Click it, And click YES
You may get a pop up asking you to EXIT WITHOUT SAVING. Press NO
You do not
U told me this
Last time I asked
Because you are not in the correct format
They are in the correct format
And how do I switch formats without data loss
I saw something on mbr2gpt
Yeah that's what I was going to walk you through.
But remember when you said you did not want to do it. Because there are risks
Unless it bricks my pc
You have no recovery partition Windows cannot recover itself if it gets destroyed
Can it brick my pc
Well I got another laptop incase I get bricked
Like I said to you please get a usb drive, If you wish to do it in the safest manner
Wouldn't another pc work incase it bricks?
Yes but the only way to install windows on a brick pc is with a usb drive
Shit ok
I'll let u know
I'll prolly get a usb drive might have one
I'll check
Please let me know if you ever read that message or not