21 Replies
it also takes alot of resourses when i open it so i assume thats the issue
when it loads when i reset my laptop like 10 times the memory is fine
i also lowered all my grahics to make sure
i also have a high end laptop and i checked my drivers
I would just reinstall Valorant at that point
If you’ve tried everything else and updates and stuff I think that’s the only option
Also what drive do you have it installed on?
i redownloaded it same problem
i have it on my os
does it solved or not?
your issue fixed or not
i have a porblem but its to complicated
whenever i install and play valorant it works smooth
after reopening game (other day)
it stutters and dont open perfectly and map dont get load it dont use drive or my ssd i dont know whats the issue i had to reinstall the game everytime i want to play and i ahve 30 mbps router only so
it takes so much time
what can e the matter
maybe your and my problem is almost same
Pc usually needs a restart
I recommend shutting it down every day
If you have an older the system the cpu/gpu cache and ram fill up a lot faster
That’s why you get sutters
If the issue happens it just means you need a restart
Other programs such as browsers store cookies and the other irrelevant data on your ram and cache
And that gets cleared every time you restart
If you could share your pc specs and software version that could help me determine the issue
I've already asked
For that
nono the ram and cpu get utilised regularaly but not working like it should sometimes cpu doent get used and disk is also not used
the only fix for me is to reinstall
is this good enough

like my val was working fine like a month ago but now it just stopped
I was gonna say it should work fine
You have val on your C drive yes?
What in game settings are you running?
i put my grahics to low
before medium
the game runs fine it just never opens