can 30-50 Fps get up to immortal?with low hz like 60

Need to know so I can keep going with that setup
20 Replies
Support Agent
Support Agent9mo ago
Yes, it's possible to reach Immortal rank with 30-50 FPS and a 60 Hz monitor, but it will be challenging. Higher FPS and refresh rates typically offer smoother gameplay, which can improve reaction times and overall performance. However, skill, game sense, and strategic play are highly important. Here are some tips to maximize your current setup: 1. Optimize Settings: Lower in-game graphics settings to improve FPS. 2. Practice: Focus on mechanics and game knowledge. 3. Communication: Effective team communication can outweigh technical disadvantages. 4. Aim Training: Consistent aim training routines can help you perform better despite FPS limits. 5. Hardware Upgrades: Consider small upgrades (like more RAM or a better GPU) if possible for better performance. Keep pushing, but remember that hardware does have an impact. Good luck!
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cpw9mo ago
def not
rainbowOP9mo ago
cpw9mo ago
if you’ve tried to play on 400+ then play on 30 or 60. You’ll see how hard aiming is
rainbowOP9mo ago
Oh but no money
cpw9mo ago
I guess if you have the game sense and somehow can aim with it so delayed. Maybe just maybe you can but it’s so so unlikely
rainbowOP9mo ago
I can't feel the delay So maybe is possible for me
cpw9mo ago
have you experienced high fps valorant
rainbowOP9mo ago
cpw9mo ago
so when you play, your brain learns that delay and says it’s okay. But since you havnt experienced what anything better feels like you have nothing to compare it to
rainbowOP9mo ago
cpw9mo ago
hey man, if your aims the best in the world. You’ll get immortal bro. But I’ve tried 60 and it’s so hard to make any micro adjustments let alone playing 30
rainbowOP9mo ago
K Oh yeah what is Marco adjustment? Is mean flick you aim to target like that or other else?
cpw9mo ago
Basically a very small movement with your mouse, so that your crosshair only moves a few pixels. (If your pre aiming something, an enemy crosses your crosshair and you have to micro-adjust your crosshair to hit their head.)
rainbowOP9mo ago
Oh sometime I can do it buy sometimes cant But* And does play at lower p like 720p can get more Fps?
cpw9mo ago
I wouldn’t go down that low, I think you get a lower input delay playing on your monitors default that’s why I play in 4k
rainbowOP9mo ago
Dang 4k is high for me
cpw9mo ago
yeah, I get like 900-1000 on low settings but I play with shadows and graphics high and get like 600
rainbowOP9mo ago
I wish I also have that high
cpw9mo ago
I have a good pc, it definitely helps you play better at val by alot I’m like 20 times better than I was on laptop

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