
white screen

Ive tried to fix it 3 times and it wont work, also how am i supposed to change resolution when i cant see
2 Replies
Support Agent
Support Agent9mo ago
If you're experiencing a white screen when launching VALORANT, there are a couple of steps you can try to resolve this issue: 1. Update Graphics Drivers: Ensure your GPU drivers are up to date by visiting the manufacturer's website (NVIDIA, AMD, Intel). 2. Run as Administrator: Right-click on the VALORANT icon and select 'Run as Administrator'. 3. Adjust Display Settings: Since you can't see the screen, you can adjust the resolution via the game’s configuration files: - Navigate to C:\Riot Games\VALORANT\live\ShooterGame\Config. - Open ShooterGameUserSettings.ini with a text editor. - Find ResolutionSizeX and ResolutionSizeY, adjust the values to a supported resolution. - Save the file and restart VALORANT. 4. Clear Cache: Clear the game’s cache by deleting the %ProgramData%\Riot Games and %LocalAppData%\VALORANT folders. Be cautious as this might reset in-game settings. 5. Reinstall VALORANT: If the above steps don't work, a clean reinstall might help. For more troubleshooting, you can visit the Riot Games support site here.
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MackieOP9mo ago
Its valoplant how do i uninstall it Fixed it

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