
comms suddenly not working

Whenever I try to talk to party members or team members my mic just suddenly stops working so I have to go into the settings and swap the audio devices which is really annoying
1 Reply
Support Agent
Support Agent9mo ago
Mic issues can often be frustrating! Here are a few things you can try: 1. Check Default Device: Ensure that your preferred mic is set as the default device in your PC sound settings. 2. Exclusive Mode: Disable "Allow applications to take exclusive control of this device" in your mic's properties under the Advanced tab. 3. Update Drivers: Make sure your audio drivers are updated to the latest version. 4. Reset In-Game Settings: Go to VALORANT settings > Audio > Voice, and make sure your mic is set correctly. You might also reset these settings to default and set them up again. 5. Background Applications: Close any other applications that might be using the mic. 6. Run as Administrator: Try running VALORANT as an administrator to give it elevated access to your audio device. If none of these solutions work, consider reaching out to Riot Games Support for further assistance.
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