
permanent suspension from “third party software”

Hello everyone I’m just making this post to ask for advice on what I can do to life a suspension from my account. I haven’t done any type of cheating or anything on val or any game for that matter. I sent in a ticket but I’m just curious if anyone has came to a resolution from the same experience
11 Replies
Support Agent
Support Agent9mo ago
Account suspensions for "third party software" are taken very seriously by Riot Games, as they aim to maintain a fair playing environment. If you believe the suspension is a mistake and you have already submitted a ticket, the best course of action is to wait for a response from Riot Support. They will review your case and provide you with further instructions or the reason for your ban. In the meantime, make sure that there aren't any background programs or overlays running that could be falsely flagged as third-party software. Common culprits include game overlays, recording software, and certain types of macros. Unfortunately, there is nothing more that can be done from the community side, but the support team has access to more detailed information about your case and will be able to assist you further.
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dachiOP9mo ago
If the ban does get lifted will I get my account back?
Saucywan9mo ago
dachiOP9mo ago
I hope so Thanks for response
Aespho9mo ago
im pretty sure its a false ban wave my main got banned too, ive been playin legit since i started in ep2 act 3 immo for the past 2 years 😂 anyways idrc since ill just move on to apex if i dont get unbanned
dachiOP9mo ago
Wait aizu u have been banned as well? And for the same reason? is it maybe because of their new guidelines?? it’s crazy tho cuz I seriously don’t even have tracker on my pc so the third party software could be like another other game with an anti cheat that I own like pubg or rust So I got a response from riot basically stating the ban wasn’t false and vanguard detected scripts cheats etc. I then sent a reply with my logs from riot client, vanguard, user, processes, network, and directx logs. I am not too sure what to do now besides wait Is this just a common occurrence because this just feels so wrong Also it says on my ticket that the response was sent successfully but I see no response on my ticket?
raz9mo ago
Its pretty common Ive been going through the community for a while now because I also got wrongfully banned.. I spent around 1700$ on this game so im fucking devastated. They just said “yeah ur banned and we cant tell you why exactly” :(
No If you opened a ticket and things don’t go in your favor, it’s a VAN 152 (120 Days HWID Banned) and account gets banned permanently, if you were proven to be legit then you’re good to go. (Tip from me: don’t log in to any other account if you were HWID banned, it will automatically ban it permanently)
dachiOP9mo ago
I’ve been looking at posts about other people experienced with this and I can’t believe how common it is, I’m sorry you’re having to deal with this as well I know your pain :((. I hope you find some resolution to your account suspension as well. I wish they could just tell me what software did this and how I can avoid this in the future 😓 Thanks for clearing that up, I ended up making a new account and trying it and it worked, but I’m not sure if I wanna get back into the game after all this, lost my level 400 $2k account worth of skins and it hurts to play honestly lol. I hope this gets resolved and riot understands my position. Thank u for the response tho I really appreciate the clarity on my question :))
No problem! Wish you the best
neoxd4mo ago
@dachi any updates?

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