Receives a copyright strike from Roit Games Inc on my YouTube Channel while I was streaming
Can you guys help me out like while I was streaming my live receives a copyright strike from Roit Games Inc
What should I do now. Is there any way that they take their strike back as valorant is publicly legal to stream. Please Valorant help me with this

24 Replies
open a ticket via riot support on the website, then turn it around and glaze them while responding
First, this is NOT a strike, second, what is the video?
This is a removal request, that should not impact your channels ability to monetize, or have an impact on your account standing.
Also just contest the claim on YouTube, and @ team YouTube on twitter with the situation.
@fishfingered they are not responding
@#2 PRX FAN I raised a support ticket with the YouTube team they are like you are using valorant and Roit Games Inc requested them to take the video down, so what should I do now.
I’m not sure I understand what you are saying…could you rephrase
I wrote a post on Twitter while tagging Roit Games and Roit Support regarding the issue
@#2 PRX FAN I contacted YouTube support, and they said the video was taken down because Riot Games Inc. requested it, claiming it involved Valorant. What should I do now?
Dispute the claim? There should be some link on that email
There is a link where I can fill a legal court case against Roit Games
As well as My live section is blocked due to copyright strike

Yeah I think that’s it
I can't fill a court case against them they are such a big forum🥲
Welp :shrug:
Wait for riot to respond
If they say they aren’t gonna do anything, start a new channel
Ok my friend
But how I will get subs from 0
I have 900 hours of watchtime almost
yeah thats the hard part of the youtube system
that not to bad...I had to start over from almost 50k subs after I got struck by an artist (3 times) for someone playing their music in the background of a cafe I was sitting in during a vlog
How many subs you have
54k now
@#2 PRX FAN what you post on YouTube
Channel name
:No_No_No: has my irl info on it