Singapore server high ping
I live in India and I mostly play in Mumbai and Singapore servers, or atleast used to. Well now, for a past couple of weeks, I am having like high ping in Singapore, for reasons I do not know, can any one help me with this one? (when I mean by help, i mean share your exp)
11 Replies
yeah same, valorant is broken with ping latency . me too need a help

Currently experiencing the same problems as well

I live in Indonesia and I usually get around 30-40ms stable
but these past few days it has just been giving me high ping
although my internet seems to not be the problem (since every other game has low ping for me)
@DrFrog| #3 Kimo fan!

Singapore and Mumbai latencies having issues, riot network team trying to fix, we need to wait
Im from India, I used to get around 30ms in Singapore but from last one or two month, ping were going 140ms
yup exact same problem for me hope it get fixed soon
yea me too , singapore server used to get 50ish ping , now it going up to 120 in game
but in lobby/menu it shows 57 ping
kind of did have that problem before not anymore since it shows 140 in lobby
sama brok