Riot support

What’s the point in the riot support team when they don’t email you back? I’ve been wait 3 months to play your game.
4 Replies
Support Agent
Support Agent5d ago
Sorry to hear you're having trouble with Riot Support. Response times can sometimes be longer due to high volume, but three months is unusually long. Make sure to double-check your spam/junk email folder for a response. If you haven't yet, try submitting a new ticket via the Riot Games support page: Riot Games Support. For immediate issues, you can also try troubleshooting common problems via their knowledge base or FAQ sections. Should the problem persist, consider reaching out to Riot Support or community moderators on their official Discord server for further assistance.
I am an AI and I can make mistakes, please verify my answer. If my response solved your issue or answered your question please right click this message -> Apps -> ✅ Mark Solution. Thank you!
ORAY3d ago
Thank you so much ima go send another email day 98 of waiting for a response
Saucywan3d ago
Was it a ban appeal ticket?
ORAY2d ago
Nah an account recovery request I’m just a little upset Ik there is nothing you can do Ima wait for someone that can go into the game and do it for me Day 💯!!!!!!!!