136 Replies
win+r, msinfo32, send a photo
win+r, tpm.msc, send a photo

the tpm thing happend when i firrst got valorant but eventually it went away
now its happening agaim
Can u show screenshot of it
The error
ok lemme open val
it lets me in the menu but after a couple seconds it shows it
this time its letting me for longer
if its fixed the one time i swear

this is it
I'm on my phone rn but my laptop just blue screened
I'll see if it's fixed after

Since you dont have tpm 1.2 and not 2.0 try disabling VBS
how do i do that?
Oh wait u have van 9001
should i still try turning it off
Yea ig
ill tell u what happends

I opened valorant after my bluescreen and it seems to be working
i havent gotten the message yet
im gonna do a deathmatch and if nothing happends then i think im good
I hope this thing works
i did the dm and i didnt crash
i think im good
if i do crash ill disable the thing
They do have tpm
I meant since they dont have tpm 2.0 *
They do?
Intel 10th gen has tpm support
U know this a lot better than me
Idk maybe it has i just looked at the tpm.msc
Oh wait
I missread it
@Pluh u have laptop right?
but im fine
for now
nothing has crashed
Ok good. but as saucywan said it should support tpm even tho it said "no tpm module found". Have you checked bios?

i cant figure out how
to get into bios
Restart pc and repeatedly press Delete button
U have msi motherboard right?
Or you can just do boot into bios through windows settings

When you have booted into bios go to settings. If it doesnt look like in the image just press F7 to switch between Advanced/Ez mode then go to Security

Then Trusted Computing

And lastly set Security Device Support to Enabled
And TPM Device Selection to PTT

hey @Noob
can you help me to
Sure ill try
can i call you
just to makelife easier
Sorry cant
the tpm
so my val not opening for some reason
Can you show the error please
this might take a few mins

win+r, msinfo32, send a photo

1) Reboot the computer and rapidly tap the "DEL" key on your keyboard to enter the BIOS.
2) Navigate to "Advance Mode" (Press F2) and go to “Settings” a “Miscellaneous” or “Peripherals” and select “AMD CPU fTPM”. Set it to “Enabled”.
3) Next navigate back to “Save and exit” and then reboot.
It’s already on
I’m on my phone btw
@[Break] Saucywan
Show me a photo of it please

Click on Trusted Computing 2.0

Saucy I have a question
When I updated my drive
Did I have to keep the drive in it
What drive?
usb drive?
After the bios is fully updated and you're back in windows with the newly updated BIOS you can remove the USB Drive
Oh ok
So what do I do now
Save and exit and then go back into Windows
Then win+r, tpm.msc, send a photo

It’s saying it can’t be found
One sec
You may need to update your bios
This should be the specific revision of your board
Do you have a USB drive?
i have already tho
can we call and i share my screen??
It looks like you don't have the newest version

whihch one do i downloasd
The newest one
like this

Remove the other BIOS files
so now go to my bios
And then f8
My moniter not turning on?
@[Break] Saucywan
so i tried updating my bios to the newest one

and it said invailid image
you know why
Hello, I have a question. Is it normal for Valorant to ask for tmp 2.0 in Windows 10?
Can you press Ctrl + R
Type msinfo32
Screenshot it and post it here

I have tried everything, I don't know what to do, my team is not the latest generation, it is basic but it should run Valorant.
Ok one sec
my bios does not have tpm option anywhere

So no tpm option in Security tab?
Like no options related to Ptt, Trust Platform Technlogy either?
no none of that just secure boot
which is already active
Is it normal for tpm 2.0 to appear in Windows 10? I understood that it was only on Windows 11
Yea. But I think it requires u to have tpm 2.0 to upgrade to windows 11
The PC came from the factory in Windows 11 without tpm 2.0 so it was modified to work Windows 11 but I already formatted it
instale windows 10 porque me aparecia el error de tpm 2.0
I installed windows 10 because I got the tpm 2.0 error
but it keeps appearing and it's strange, no video, a solution appears with windows 10
Can you press Ctrl + R
Type tpm.msc
Show screenshot

always to activate tpm 2.0 it is an updated uefi but my computer does not have that type of uefi bios
If you want I can take a photo of the bios so you can see
Ok if u dont have tpm I think you have to contact riot to lift the VAN restriction. But can you try disabling VBS?
vbs is disabled

Whats inside system security and device security?
nothing relevant to tpm
So it just crashed again
And that's not my screen
This is

I have secure boot on
But I can't find the tpm optionsl
Go to
tab and screenshot
Trusted Computing
And screenshotSorry for bad quality, it says Security Device support ENABLE
No security device found

Can you go to
This is so unlucky I just left bios
Lemme open val again
And I also found another method
If that don't work I'll send u the pic of advanc
Csm is disabled right?
so far it hasnt crashed
You disabled VBS?
What did u change?
@Noob it happend again and this time it wont work
it doesnt go back to normal
i disabled vbs
Show the error please
i need some help
i got that code but i installed through epic