I've got a question.
Is it possible to buy Valorant points online without opening the game?
The game does not allow me to buy stuff. It always says this i use Masercard and Paypal both don't work for me.

14 Replies
you can buy giftcards online yes, just make sure they are in your region
Which websites can you buy them from?
:uhh: amazon (probably)
ok thank u
if you wait 6 days there is the amazone prime day, so giftcards are 20% off (at least last time)
no unless u wanna get scammed
amazon is kinda safe tho :uhh:
so far ive only had working giftcards from there
(apart from amazon locking my account multiple times due to „suspicious activity“ (i havent used the account in like 3 years xd)
btw how do i get voicechat accses?
level up, see #information
thanks i've been asking poeple about this alot and they ignore me idk why
CAn't buy from game?