Frame drops after new update
I like to limit my fps to 60-75 just to not cook my cpu as im using a laptop
havent had fps issues until now
seems to be more prominent on the new map (Abyss)
ive lowered all my graphics settings to low and that hasnt helped at all
i just wanna play val man e'-e'
105 Replies
whats ur hz
and is it set on max
bcs windows sometimes does that
on my monitor its 75hz
on my laptop itself its 144hz
how would i go about checking that
go to display then
advanced display
there u can see it
wait so u use ur laptop to play but connect it to a monitor?
i code so the monitor is easier and the way the set up is
cant really use the laptop without blocking my view of my monitor and its on a cooling stand so generally uncomfortable
connected a keyboard and mouse to the laptop
74.97hz on the monitor apparently
75 k
what are ur graphics
full high? or full low?
full low
RTX 3050 tho
lemme check 1 min i run on the same gpu except i use rtx 3050 pc version
also btw
i recommend puttin ur fps to 75
as max
what are ur anti aliasing
ansotropic filtering
1 sec
well for better fps then put it to 1x for ansotropic filtering
also is nvidia reflex low latency on
anti-aliasing is on none
the filtering is on 1x now
and none for this
it is on
that helps alot
now thats on
now try it
do u still experience frame drops
lemme check
on abyss right
so check there
tell me if it works
still getting the drops
oh wait
not as bad as before or consistent
so it has improved
@Fwog <3 do u have geforce experience
um e'-e'
how do i check that
u dont
ok download it
u havent updated ur driver
i have to do mine too
installed and updated and all that jazz
still drops
i hit express installation but when i open geforce experience again its still there waiting to install
it would appear that it refuses to install e'-e'
this driver update is haunting me
yeah bcs a security pop up is there and u have to press yes lmao
I did e'-e'

ur done now
despite saying its installed
its still sitting there waiting to install

wait dont
confusing ik
it says that just incase it doesnt work
this was after the update
wait wtf
you see my issue
this is probably why my drivers werent up to date
i thought i updated them the last time but apparently i didnt
wait same for me mine is still stuck in 552.44
im stuck in 546.80 e'-e'
im cooked
i think what happend is there might be a glitch
with the new version
just a visual glitch
or wont install glitch
i think the 2nd
oh so
so apparently there are many game crashes going on
so u cant update i think
so im stuch with sucky frame drops when playing val until they fix it
i dont think its that
i think the new map is too powerful
it would appear to be that way
but i would like to at least update my drivers to 552
check if u have updated ur pc
up to date
oh wow
check ur task manager
what do i look for in there e'-e'
any background apps
running a cypto miner
jk but turn off most background apps except vanguard and riot related stuff
99% sure im not running a cypto miner
nothing in the background is pulling off my cpu
but there is a lot
but no more than usual
a lot of service host stuff
dont even know what they do
dont turn them off
then there isnt anything i can close
its the thing for ur pc ]
fair enough
i saw you in the coaching chat/area
whats your rank e'-e'
s2 but i think like a diamond
fair enough e'-e'
my aim stopped aiming as good as it used to since this last episode
@Fwog <3whats ur laptop set to performance mode ?
indeed it is
is it on constant charge?
indeed e'-e'
i am so confused
try contacting riot
same e'-e'
also attributed to the fact that my current driver version is from late Jan of this year
@Fwog <3 try removing the hdmi port from ur monitor and try on a laptop
but then
cant really play e'-e'
bcs i think ur monitor is bottlenecking ur gpu
ill try that
you are correct e'-e'
well thats a problem
try to get a new monitor around 140 hz
i use 180 so yeah
ah yes
i lack a job sir
just finished uni and finding a job isnt the easiest thing in the world rn
even an internship is hard to get
as they want so many qualifications
to be an intern
what rank r u?
peak gold 1
currently silver 3
ahh ok
looking at 140Hz monitor prices
and it would still take a little while to get one
theyre like
u could try fiverr coaches for iron and bronze
then how did i get mine for 3 dollars
luck ig
diff currency
and luck
what currency?
1 USD = roughly 20 ZAR
zar k
18.46 to be exact
270 usd
just about 5k zar