24 Replies
someone help
Troubleshoot the TPM - Windows Security
Learn how to view and troubleshoot the Trusted Platform Module (TPM).
Google is free man
@Wabbit none of this is helpful toward my issue with valorant
if google could fix the problem that easily it wouldve been fixed by now
Did you recently upgrade to windows 11
Is secure boot on?
Is it set to custom or windows uefi
Idk if you have amd
Your best solution here is to revert to windows 10
i have amd
TPM Seems to only be an 11 error
also i cant revert cus i did a usb reinstall
oh shit
It was also working a few days ago
so im not sure whats changed
do u think im banned or sum ?
I’d reset your BIOS + update if needed
Ill revert back to windows 10 honestly
ill try that
Worst case is full reinstall of windows 11
So you have 0 windows 10 related software
doesnt tpm have sum do wit my motherboard
so windows shouldnt be the problem right?
It’s a security thing
But yes
so changign to windows 10 wont help?

It could potentially be a windows 10 software fucking you over
up to you, if you wanna hard reset