If I were to keep leaving valorant matches over time, will I get banned or is there a maximum temp ban they can give you like 3 hours or something?
15 Replies
You'd get banned for longer
Right, but is there a cap on how long the ban can be? I get that they extend the time but there has to be a cap
They can't just ban you for 3 weeks or something cause you left a game
i was banned for four and 1/2 days for nothing sooo uhhh
Cs2 is suddenly looking real cute
Well it wasn’t for nothing…you prob were toxic, or afked
No i wasnt afk
they give u chat ban for toxic
it was for nothing
Nah if it’s bad enough you get q banned
for 108 days?!?!?!
and anyways.. i would know if I was that toxic
im rlly upset
i grinded for level 20
stayed up to 4am so i could get the win of the day and play my first game
You got banned for smth
no i didnt
any why was it only comp
and not other gamemodes
That’s an afk ban probs
but why only comp
and I wasnt AFK!!!
Be on Your Best Behavior
You’ve been tasked with the acquisition of a precious resource, holding your own fight after fight, and securing the enduring dominance of the entire planet. You can see why we’re holding you to so...
This will have the reason somewhere in it
you think i havent looked?!
theres nothing