Widescreen black bars
im playing on a 45" monitor and was just wondering if anyone knows of a fix for the black bars on the side, i know valorant does not support the resolution of my screen but ive seen some people remove the black bars by altering the resolution output of their gpu, ive tried this but it did not work, any tips would be helpful, ive been trying to fix this for 4 months now and am not expecting to be able to do anything about it
8 Replies
hey, can you tell me how did you alter it?
Unfortunately there is no fix, Val’s code does not allow for past a 35” screen for balancing reasons, I tried the YouTube videos that tell you to change things in control panel, but those are fake fixes
change this from letterbox to fill
@random trust me I’ve tried everything, if it worked I would say it
you've changed your res in game?
to your monitors res
try to use windowd full screen with fill with ur full res
or try to use winexp
FYI this is third party and prob bannable ^