VC Still not working!

Can't use comms at all switched accounts, restarted valorant, restarted PC and all
5 Replies
.45 smaccr
.45 smaccr2w ago
Bot did not help After new update, i havent been able to use Comms, was working fine yesterday. After this update i'm not able to use comms at all
strive81482w ago
i cant even get on the game every time i try and launch it says crititcal error
.45 smaccr
.45 smaccr2w ago
lmfao new update fucked everything over i can paly but with no comms and im high rank i dont wanna do that kd gonna go brrrrrrrrr W/L rate gonna be shit too
strive81482w ago
i was ac2 but now i dont know if i will ever play just bought rgx to
.45 smaccr
.45 smaccr2w ago