cant play?
i was on already today and didn't have an issue, its giving me this message and i dont understand what its telling me. why is it telling me im not meeting the requirements now??? super confused :val_KekwSob:

14 Replies
^ its already enabled and checked online on how to fix it but its fine. i dont know what the issue is.
Windows + R
Type msinfo32
currently not home atm, but as soon as get on i will
im literally on my alt rn and i can play
but my main account doesnt work for me to play? i followed what they had online about the thing and on my pc it said its already on
Can you boot into bios
yes trying too rn, i have a 60% keyboard so i gotta find a keyboard with a del button
Or you can do it through windows settings
Go to Update & Security.
Under Recovery, click Restart now.
On the Choose an Option screen, select Troubleshoot.
Click Advanced options.
Select UEFI Firmware Settings.
Click Restart to reboot into BIOS.
yeah it’s just easier to reset and and go to it
i have 2 keyboards so it’s fine
i fixed it, dont understand why i was having this problem? if i could play before but on a different account why would it only tell me that on my main. valorant is so weird they gotta fix it
Bro leaked his IP
Was this solved?
yes i already changed it solved already.