VALORANTā€¢4w ago

I got scammed and my account is now hacked

I thought I was entering giveaway for Pride month, but it was a scam from some russian guy. He changed the email of my account. @911 Tech Support
86 Replies
Support Agent
Support Agentā€¢4w ago
I'm really sorry to hear that your account got compromised. The best course of action is to immediately contact Riot Games Support and submit a ticket regarding your hacked account. Provide them with as much detail as possible, including the email that was changed, and any other relevant information to prove ownership. You can submit a ticket here: Riot Games Support Additionally, make sure to secure your email account and enable two-factor authentication (2FA) wherever possible to prevent further security issues.
I am an AI and I can make mistakes, please verify my answer. If my response solved your issue or answered your question please right click this message -> Apps -> āœ… Mark Solution. Thank you!
911 Tech Support
911 Tech Supportā€¢4w ago
VANGUARD Mainā€¢4w ago
:valQuestion: If you have forgotten your login credentials or your account has been compromised, you can try to recover your account by heading to the link below. Permanently banned or deleted accounts cannot be retrieved. Account Recovery: https://support-valorant.riotgames.com/hc/en-us/articles/360046229573-Recover-Your-Account
Labkiā€¢4w ago
I already sent 2 ticket or 3 idk
911 Tech Support
911 Tech Supportā€¢4w ago
^^ open this link and try auto recovery
Labkiā€¢4w ago
I cant do it, idk the email that he placed in already It appears as bmq@ram.ru
911 Tech Support
911 Tech Supportā€¢4w ago
No description
911 Tech Support
911 Tech Supportā€¢4w ago
this one
Labkiā€¢4w ago
I tried
911 Tech Support
911 Tech Supportā€¢4w ago
put your email not current one'
Labkiā€¢4w ago
@911 Tech Support wait Original Signup Email is supposed to be the email that I used to create the account ohhhhh
911 Tech Support
911 Tech Supportā€¢4w ago
Labkiā€¢4w ago
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911 Tech Support
911 Tech Supportā€¢4w ago
im drunk :val_HeyApple:
Labkiā€¢4w ago
still the same thing AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA dude i spent over 100 bucks in this account
911 Tech Support
911 Tech Supportā€¢4w ago
you have access to original emai l?
Labkiā€¢4w ago
this was my league main account and when I got perma banned from my main valorant account this account became my main everywhere no
911 Tech Support
911 Tech Supportā€¢4w ago
then you cant recover your account
Labkiā€¢4w ago
because someone was trying to log in on my email and I removed it completely DUDEEEEE dont do this to me mannn :Gekko_Wingman_Cry:
911 Tech Support
911 Tech Supportā€¢4w ago
you deleted the GMail account ?
Labkiā€¢4w ago
i am unable to sent email on mssg lol
911 Tech Support
911 Tech Supportā€¢4w ago
you removed it from riot right?
Labkiā€¢4w ago
i removed it from riot account i placed another one the email i created the account with does not exist in microsoft anymore it used to be labeatzekaj @hotmail .com
911 Tech Support
911 Tech Supportā€¢4w ago
try recreating the account
Labkiā€¢4w ago
hm hey ? šŸ˜¦
911 Tech Support
911 Tech Supportā€¢4w ago
yep try
Labkiā€¢4w ago
7/3/2020 my main Valorant account - (it showed up as NA in league) the two from 11/10 - League EUW account and EUNA
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Labkiā€¢4w ago
now i have access to none of them
911 Tech Support
911 Tech Supportā€¢4w ago
only ticket would help you now wait for reply
Labkiā€¢4w ago
i cant wait man i cant im going insane xD THE GODS HAVE SPOKEN
911 Tech Support
911 Tech Supportā€¢4w ago
go play other game
Labkiā€¢4w ago
BROOOO I GOT IT I play a lot of games like crazyy cs2 diablo 4 dota 2 minecraft šŸ¤“ Idk what you did or didnt do but Iā€™d kiss you rn Now i have another question about my main valorant acc, which i got perma-banned because I played on a internet cafe pc where someone else was cheating can I recover this account or should I just give up @911 Tech Support
quispycremeā€¢4w ago
ngl bro i think u cooked
Labkiā€¢4w ago
I spent around 150euros in that shit
911 Tech Support
911 Tech Supportā€¢4w ago
no that would never come back
Labkiā€¢4w ago
yeah it happened a while ago @quispycreme i tried sending tickets but i always got a auto reply something like "perma banned because of cheating can not be unbanned"
quispycremeā€¢4w ago
valorant is highkey buns
Labkiā€¢4w ago
i miss my prime knife and prime vandal rgx phantom
quispycremeā€¢4w ago
how did you even get scammed
Labkiā€¢4w ago
forsaken sherif i saw on twitter that riot was giving away free buddy title and card
quispycremeā€¢4w ago
yea and what happened
Labkiā€¢4w ago
and then i saw another look alike i guess where riot was giving away arcane sherif and champions vandal for pride month at first i was like this prolly a scam the website was valtrpride .com i saw it on twitter and on youtube when I tried entering the scammy giveaway it asked me for credentials and all that and the url was exactly the same when logging in on riots page Then my dumbass thought it was actually real
Labkiā€¢4w ago
This is my banned account tho
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Labkiā€¢4w ago
I was coming from work went to the internet cafe feeling good about hitting asc1 and possibly push it to 2 Cheater Detected Account Perma Banned my life flashed I miss it Forsaken Op šŸ˜­ @quispycreme
quispycremeā€¢4w ago
thats some wild virtual awareness
Labkiā€¢4w ago
sorry i don't get what you said wdym by virtual awareness
quispycremeā€¢4w ago
u trusted a website that said valtrpride
Labkiā€¢4w ago
a yeah i mean when i clicked Claim it opened account.riotgames.com i was like wtf
quispycremeā€¢4w ago
thas crazy perma banned
Labkiā€¢4w ago
could a ban appeal work on this account tho ?
YourTherapistā€¢4w ago
there is no forsaken sheriff
quispycremeā€¢4w ago
i got banned for a year for speaking chinese but this is different
Labkiā€¢4w ago
i meant op lmao HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHA nahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
YourTherapistā€¢4w ago
Labkiā€¢4w ago
you cracked me up with that one xD i was trying to write forsaken op, but i had the reaver sheriff on my mind it was on my shop the day i got banned
quispycremeā€¢4w ago
im serious bruh
Labkiā€¢4w ago
banned for speaking chinese ?
quispycremeā€¢4w ago
Labkiā€¢4w ago
chinese people getting banned for speaking their own language 0-0 imagine i speak Albanian on frankfurt or london server, if i get banned for that naaah
911 Tech Support
911 Tech Supportā€¢4w ago
:val_KekwSob: thats racist of valo
quispycremeā€¢4w ago
riot vanguard tracks more than cheating programs it tracks everything and it sends it straight to the CCP
Labkiā€¢4w ago
even my explicit video collection ??? šŸ˜±
911 Tech Support
911 Tech Supportā€¢4w ago
Yep they watch it daily
Labkiā€¢4w ago
quispycremeā€¢4w ago
No description
Labkiā€¢4w ago
could a ban appeal work on that account or nah @911 Tech Support wdyt
911 Tech Support
911 Tech Supportā€¢4w ago
probably its a 5% chance
Labkiā€¢4w ago
show me da wei show me da wei to da queen
Labkiā€¢4w ago
stop playing pls help šŸ‘‰ šŸ‘ˆ
911 Tech Support
911 Tech Supportā€¢4w ago
i aint doing anything cause Privacy is a Myth :val_HeyApple:
Labkiā€¢4w ago
0-0 you tellin me you got diff passwords for diff accounts ?
911 Tech Support
911 Tech Supportā€¢4w ago
i got diff emails for diff apps too
Labkiā€¢4w ago
No description
911 Tech Support
911 Tech Supportā€¢4w ago
+ no physical diary for remembering pass if i lose a email i lose that app
Labkiā€¢4w ago
my guy's security system
Labkiā€¢4w ago
meanwhile mine
911 Tech Support
911 Tech Supportā€¢4w ago
ayoo how do you know bru imma change my TopGmail :val_HeyApple:
Labkiā€¢4w ago
f shit he got me slackin i better hide @911 Tech Support how do i make a ban appeal tho imagine doing a ban appeal because someone installed cheats on internet cafe pc and riot thinks you were cheating
911 Tech Support
911 Tech Supportā€¢4w ago
polite cold mail tone with cute kitten voice so valo support falls for you and unbans you
Labkiā€¢4w ago
mann, could you do that šŸ˜® also wth is a mail tone ? you tellin me you can email using .mp3 files ?