My valorant account got hacked and its banned
Yesterday I got back my hacked valorant account and its been banned for Use of prohibited third party software. I messaged the support again asking for a Unban do you guys think ill get unbanned since the Hacker cheated on my Account the Supporter in the Ticket before said "I checked your account and actually noticed some suspicious logins and activity..." I need yalls opinion
8 Replies
what lvl were u tho
Explain the situation, riot isn't heartless.
if low then make new
ooohh ye
They will understand as it's not you and that you didn't intentionally account share!
like 102
The supporter that resetted my account log in for me since i got hacked said aswell that there was suspicious logins and activities thats why I asked if i got good chances
since I didnt cheat
Yep, you should probably get unbanned then
Okay thanks
Damn u shud try to get ur acc back then