Ping sometimes will be good but spike to 80 from 30 and kinda move me around and sometimes its just unplayable like 200+, valorant is the only game it does this in, when I ping valorant servers from cmd I get steady 30 ping so I don't know what the issue is, I've done TCP optimizer, firewall, antivirus
47 Replies
I have actual wifi antennes hooked in my mobo, no usb wifi card, I can't do ethernet bc I'm upstairs
Lemme eat lunch
In the meantime
Open cmd as admin
Type this command
ping -t
Let it run for about 4 minutes
Then ctrl+c to stop it
Show a photo of the summary.
I will be back in 10 mins
for whenever ur backk

oh wait lemme stop my game download then try again
it only hit 140 at the very start of the test, from there it was pretty average 32-35 except for one time it went up to 57

also whenever I was having ping issues in val earlier the game wasn't downloading, this has happened multiple times
try this
netsh int ip resetipconfig /releaseipconfig /renewipconfig /flushdnsnetsh winsock resetnetsh advfirewall reset
Do these step by step
Once done, ping me
@jidat I just did it all now what
Run that command again
Let it run for around 4 mins
Ctrl+c to stop
Show ss of the summary
I stopped early cuz it isnt doing to hot

Just let it run

Ngl it just looks to me as a bad wifi extender
I dont have a wifi extender
U said u have antennas?
U can try switching to the google port
yeah in my motherboard
whats google port
8 8 8 8
8 8 4 4
In ur wifi adapter settings
I've had that
Change it to 1 1 1 1
1 0 0 1
I think thats the correct one
yeah I just tried pinging this one its legit steady 32ping
Hm yea try it
ipv6 wont work
Yea ipv 4
U can't change it in ipv 6
yeah I pinged it for a little over a minute and it spiked to 67 one time otherwise it was steady 32
I just changed it maybe that fixes it
Hm hopefully
i'll try it later
yeah its perfect now
litterly steady 32 ping
In game?
Well ggs ig
Hm i wonder how many i have solved so far
like when I move it goes between 33,34,35
its perfect
@jidat yo u think u can help me too?
im on a constant 100+ ping
with spikes of up to 5k
i just got a new 5G router to
my usual ping is in the 70s
but its HORRIBLE and i have even used all the steps you showed above already
@jidat the issue started again
i had the same issue. had to use ethernet
Hallo i had the same problem just now, I'm live in Malaysia play in SG server, b4 this i already had this problem and already send tickets to valorant support, and they fix it somehow, after 2 week of playing with low ping(15ms-20ms) suddenly today its started to high ping spike again(100ms-120ms)
what was the fix they said ? @SpicyBoy
I have a tournement tmrw and I cant get ethernet cuz im upstairs
They didn't say what's the problem is, but they did say they aware of this issue. After one day i send the ticket, i open my valorant back and my ping is normal again
Well, until yesterday
Its started to spike again
My ping while in-game

Usually its around 15-20 ms
For me in SG server
Im using ethernet btw