
van 84 error

will i get banned from comp because of this? no joke i got disconnected 7 times from this error
1 Reply
Support Agent
Support Agent9mo ago
Error code VAN 84 is related to connection issues, often due to server-side problems or issues with your own internet connection. You won’t get banned from competitive play just because of repeated disconnections due to this error. However, continuous disconnections might impact your account’s standing temporarily, such as receiving time penalties before you can queue again. To address the VAN 84 error: 1. Restart VALORANT and the Riot Client. 2. Check your internet connection. 3. Allow VALORANT through your firewall or antivirus settings. 4. If the issue persists, visit the Riot Games Support for further assistance. Server stability usually gets resolved by Riot soon. Keep an eye on their official channels for updates.
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