I got a question around my tracker for when I duo queue with a friend…

So long story short, my tracking score as of right now is 701 out of 1000. I am S tier in DDA, KAST. I’m A in ACS and I’m D in Match Win %. I am a Gold 1 right now but Gold 3 peak as of last season because of the big derank this season. I had to start back in Silver 1. Last season my teammate was Gold 3 with me, we have a very similar ability but my friend plays dualist and I play KJ main and sometimes Cypher. His tracker is around 440 out of 1000 and his is C and D tier in all of his stats. Do stats play a part in duo queuing? The reason I ask is because whenever we duo queue together, we get absolutely destroyed and when I play solo, I usually win. When we both played solo, he still lost and I won my game. How does the matchmaking work? I heard that Duo queue is meant to be easier than solo queue but it seems to be the other way round. Is anyone who has surpassed gold able to tell me what the issue with our duo queue is? It always seem to hit when we duo queue, we constantly get smurfs every game. For context, as of right now I’m Gold 1 and he’s Silver 2…
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Diet Pepsi
Diet Pepsi8mo ago
your tracker score is a third party rating its not linked with in game matchmaking a reason i can think of for duoing being harder is that youre more likely to be placed with other parties and a party will have better communication and teamplay compared to solo queueing also im pretty sure tracker score is calculated differently depending on the role so a duelist and sentinel will have different criteria

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