Can somebody tell me how to fix this?

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2 Replies
Support Agent
Support Agent6d ago
The error messages you're seeing indicate that Secure Boot isn't enabled, which is required for Riot Vanguard to function correctly. To resolve this, follow these steps: 1. Check your BIOS Mode: - Go to the Windows search bar, type msinfo32, and press Enter. - Look for the "BIOS Mode" field. It should display either "UEFI" or "Legacy". 2. Enable Secure Boot: - Restart your PC and enter the BIOS setup (commonly by pressing Delete, F2, or F10 during the boot process). - Find the Secure Boot option, commonly located under the "Boot" or "Security" tab. - Enable Secure Boot. - Save your changes and exit the BIOS. 3. Check Compatibility: - Ensure your system is set to UEFI mode rather than Legacy (MBR) mode, as enabling Secure Boot on a Legacy BIOS can render the system unbootable. Refer to this Riot Games support article for more detailed guidance: Troubleshooting the VAN9003 Error.
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AdiSkrpn6d ago
i aint doin allat