16 Replies
did you already enable secure boot, or not?
I haven't activated or deactivated anything yet.
Windows + R
Type msinfo32
Screenshot and post here

Is secure boot somehwere?
Its in french so its a bit hard to find for me
Its off
Tu dois aller dans les BIOS et activer le démarrage sécurisé, c'est assez simple
regarde sur internet :)
Can you boot into bios and get on your phone to screenshot and send here
Oh not same person?
I am not OP, sorry
Thx for telling me its off tho
Your welcome have a nice day/night
Sorry, didnt has any time to wacht my discord
1. To to bios
*go to bios
2. got to the boot tab
3. somewhere it says 'secure boot'. you need to enable that
no problem
i have I'm not at home and the bios are not as usual, so I don't know where to go.
il y as même pas de bios le pc d allume trop vite
Screenshot it on phone
can you send a photo of youre bios?