VAN 9003
Hello, I have a problem recently, after a break, I wanted to play Valorant and when I joined Quick Play, this error was displayed, and I was kicked out of the game, + I got a ranking ban for 7 days, and I don't know what to do with it, and it keeps happening to me shows...

19 Replies
open bios
go to the boot tab
enable secure boot
is there a way around this
i think
unless you dont want to play games, you have to enable secure boot
hello. i got same problem and i did what u recommended, but i still have that issue. What i can di now?
Windows key + R
Type 'msinfo32'
Send a screenshot

Secure Boot is still Disabled

If it's already enabled in bios, try clearing Secure boot keys / Reset Factory keys. Should be in the Secure Boot configuration tab
Is it enabled?

Or that is not what u mean?
Yea and then "Restore Factory Keys" at the bottom

Then save and exit bios
Is that all? Or i should do smth else?
Windows key + R
Type 'msinfo32'
Send a screenshot to see if it's enabled now

Valorant should work now
yo mate thank you rly. i appreciate it. You are life saver 🌹