
Do you lose less elo if your teamate leaves a ranked match?
3 Replies
Support Agent
Support Agent9mo ago
In VALORANT, if a teammate goes AFK or leaves a ranked match, it does impact your Matchmaking Rating (MMR, commonly referred to as elo) less if you lose the match, but the effect is not as significant as you might hope. The system does take into account the disadvantage your team faced, but it won't fully negate the loss. However, if you manage to win despite having an AFK player, you could potentially gain more elo due to the challenge. For detailed information on how the ranking system works, you can refer to the official support page here: VALORANT Ranking System.
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bbldrizzy9mo ago
@q.weezK can u help me rank up
q.weezKOP9mo ago
Yea I Gotchu gng

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