i just got randomly banned from competetive for 160 hours
i was just afk and i clicked on ,,Competitive" and it said what it says in the screenshot, i can play other gamemodes normally but on ranked, 160+ hours

8 Replies
Did u leave when the game was going?
u literally went afk mid ranked so u got a ranked ban.
i never played ranked
on this acc
and no i never left during a game
so it really is a random ban
u just said u were just 'afk'
so u were afk in a game
are u muted rn
if u have a mute u cant play ranked
I was afk in the menu
No i'm not muted
u had to go afk
or get a mute
no other way
- Riot
none of the above to my information
+ its ONLY for ranked, i can play other modes normally