
Falase banned on valorant

Reddit mods have removed my post i guess they want to keep me suffering cuz they dont have humanity - False Perma banned on val(mods removed my post) -anyway,i was banned 3 months ago but i didnt post on here cuz of people who will false flame me for cheating but anyway i reset my pc that night woke up installed the game played deathmatches throughout the whole day, when i queue into my first comp game i was going 0 6 on kj i get banned midgame, now during the time of play i was installing outplayed a clipping software run by overwolf . I have never downloaded mods or any cheats for any other game ive played fortnite and plenty of other games and never have been banned in any of them, and ive bought a lot of skins on my account aswell i think over 600 pounds worth. Ive been sending tickets to riot for the past 3 to 4 months yet ive yet to receive any genuine help i wanted to hit immortal for the buddy but now that the episode ended if i do get unbanned ill try to hit it this episode if anyone can help or a rioter sees this kindy if youre willing to help please reach out to me via discord;krybu or kry6u(which ever one works
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2 Replies
kry6uhOP9mo ago
ive sent tickets and riot support is of no help iu need someone to manually check please
Saucywan9mo ago
Your account was most likely suspended correctly. The false ban rate is incredibly low. Just because you were banned with the same message cheaters are banned with does not mean you are banned for that reason. Most likely you had other software running on your computer that was malicious or that acts like a cheating software. You could have also been banned for playing with a cheater purposely (over 5 games). Or someone using your account and using cheats would have also been banned.

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