Need to increase my FPS
I have a laptop with Ryzen 7 7000 and RTX 3050 with 16 gigs of ram, and I barely get 140 fps in game. Any ideas on how to improve this?
13 Replies
To improve FPS on your setup, try the following steps:
1. Update Drivers: Ensure your GPU drivers are up to date via NVIDIA's website or through GeForce Experience.
2. Optimize In-Game Settings: Set your in-game graphics settings to lower levels. Prioritize reducing shadows, effects, and setting texture quality to medium or low.
3. Background Programs: Close unnecessary background applications that might be using CPU/GPU resources.
4. NVIDIA Control Panel:
- Open NVIDIA Control Panel and go to "Manage 3D settings."
- Set "Power management mode" to "Prefer maximum performance."
5. Windows Settings:
- Disable Game Bar and Game Mode in Windows settings.
- Adjust your power plan to "High performance" in Power Options.
6. Check for Overheating: Ensure your laptop isn't overheating as it can throttle performance. Clean the vents and use a cooling pad if necessary.
7. Resolution and Refresh Rate: Ensure you're playing at an optimal resolution and refresh rate. Lowering the resolution can improve performance.
If these steps don't yield significant improvements, consider reinstalling the game or the operating system as a last resort.
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isnt 140 fps enough?
I had a i7 7th gen laptop with gtx 1050 and 8 gb ram and i used to get 90-100 fps on that 5 year old laptop
ok, so?
how much more do you want?
a 1000 idk
what kind of question is that
You're on a laptop, you want 1000 fps? 😭
no ofc not
but like
you're not going to get that much consistantly with the specs you have
might barely get 200 if you stand still but otherwise 140 is normal for your specs
if you want more fps lower your resolution, or get a new laptop
nah i used to get 300 fps before
my laptop is fairly new
less than an year old
300 consistently with those specs? What resolution did you play at?
everything low
I keep bloom on thats all
since its pretty
also riot gave me tips and now im getting around 250 fps
oh you asked res

nice nice
sometimes reinstalling drivers helps
since outdated drivers is definitely a big reason for lag