Valorant giving me "secure boot verification failure" even though my secure boot is on.
My valorant wont work I tried everything I can to fix the secure boot problem but my valorant kept closing saying "VAN:Secure boot verification failure" even though I have secure boot on. I have everything updated my drivers, my windows, my hardware, my bios. I also reset my pc like 3 times and still did not work. Please help me I just want to spend time with my friends. My System information also says that my secure boot is turned on.
83 Replies
It sounds like you’ve tried quite a few steps already, which is great. When encountering the "VAN: Secure boot verification failure," it’s crucial to ensure your system's BIOS mode is set correctly. Even if Secure Boot is enabled, it must be configured correctly with UEFI rather than Legacy BIOS. Here’s a detailed approach you can check:
1. Double-check BIOS/UEFI Mode: Ensure your system is utilizing UEFI mode and not Legacy BIOS. Access your BIOS settings (usually by pressing Del, F2, or a similar key when your PC starts). Look for Boot options and confirm UEFI is selected.
2. Validate Secure Boot: Even though it's showing enabled, try disabling it, saving and rebooting into Windows, then returning to the BIOS to enable it again.
3. Reinstall Riot Vanguard: Uninstall Riot Vanguard via Add or Remove Programs in Windows settings and then restart your PC. Relaunch VALORANT which will prompt you to reinstall Vanguard.
4. Check these guides:
- VAN9001 Troubleshooting
- Secure Boot/TPM Configuration
If the issue persists, you may need to contact Riot Support for more personalized troubleshooting.
I am an AI and I can make mistakes, please verify my answer. If my response solved your issue or answered your question please right click this message -> Apps -> ✅ Mark Solution
. Thank you!
I already did all of those

Secure boot state is on
I actually need help for this
And I want to get back on the grind
Its been 5 months
Ever since the problem happened
I thoufht
It was gonna fix but it didnt
So i need jelp
I tried everything
I need yo backup @Saucywan
What motherboard do you have?
Erm where do I check that
You said you updated your bios?
How would you update it without knowing what motherboard you have?
Cuz I have hp
Its HP
And you are confident your bios is up to date?
I update
Like the latest version
From the site
Because that's the issue.
The only way to fix it is updating your bios
If you have the newest version and updating didn't work you're out of luck
Does that mean I cant play val anymore
I mean not anymore its been 5 months
I just wanted to return
Might as well waste my time
my fault
Wrong chat
Wrong chat
Do I have to
Reinstall windows
That won't do anything
Oh shucks
Do you know the full system name / Model number
My pc sucks
Of my pc?
And it is?
Hp is detecting my product
It's the correct?
Wait what
How did u know
Your sure?
does ur bios have a custom and stanard mode? for some reason turning it on and off and resetting it worked for me
Oh yeah
OMEN by HP Obelisk Desktop 875-0034 Software and Driver Downloads |...
Download the latest drivers, firmware, and software for your OMEN by HP Obelisk Desktop 875-0034. This is HP’s official website to download the correct drivers free of cost for Windows and Mac.

See if downloading this will
It may tell you that you're not able to downgrade. If that happens let me know
Aight hollup chat

it happened
Try downloading the newest one then
Then we'll go to your bios and reset the secure boot keys
Aight I pressed next its loading

Aight Im restarting
Pls wrok

Almost there
15 more %
Im nawt sure if its actually updating

Erm okay imma jusr leave it there
Ill ping you when something new happens :D
It brought me back
To the
Log in
Imma log in
Wait is that supposed to hapoen
@Saucywan aight it updated already
Just tell me when ur backc
I tried to log in to val again
and it said the same error
Go to your bios if you know how
I did everything
how do you reset the

What do I do now
Disable secure boot

Click clear all secure boot keys

I can't see the whole message

My fault my wifi got ee
Press ok
Then press load HP factory default keys
Enable secure boot and then save and exit

Press yes
Aifht im back to business
Lemme check if valorant works
I hope it works

Secure boot state is on
Lemme if valorant will work
What is going on with my pc
I'm guessing it's the same error?
Have you made a ticket with riot?
Yes but theres no response yet
I sent the logs
And the systen logs
Its been 2 days
No reply yet
I do think it's gg
Normally updating your bios is the option
win+r, tpm.msc, send a photo

Do I need a new pc xd
Just a new motherboard 👍
Oh aight
Normally this happens because it's of a vulnerability in your bios
bruh im broke as crap
why cant valorant just buy me a new mother board