can someone help me install valorent, i need vangaurd or smth idk why and the file is 750 gb
can someone help me install valorent, i need vangaurd or smth idk why and the file is 750 gb. i either want to delete valorent (it wont let me) or fix valorent (idk how)
19 Replies
the size is just a visual glitch, nothing to worry about!
for me it shows 3.5TB (i only have 2 in my pc)
yes but either way i want to fix valorent. it doesnt work
it says smth about valogaurd when i open it then closes
does it say "vanguard not initialized"?
yeah i think
Gaming Problems Solved!
How To Fix Valorant Vanguard Not Initialized
In this video I will show you How To Fix Valorant Vanguard Not Initialized It's really easy and it will take you less than a minute to do it!
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still didnt work

this came up
do you know which motherboard you have?
how do i check?
Hit the Windows + R keys on your keyboard to open Run. Type msinfo32 into the text box and click OK.
should be this


@GenZ ⛧ Walking Ult Orb you back?
you will need to go into your bios and find the secure boot option
how to i enter my bios?
when you boot up your pc theres usually a screen with a shortcut on your keyboard to enter BIOS. for me its F12 i think
Press win+r
Type msinfo32
Show ss