I'm redownloading the game after a long break, I left the download for the night and its infinite.
i looked it up on google and it says valorant is 28gb but for me its 30 and its still downloading

41 Replies
for how long has it been downloading?
That's a visual bug within windows as the game patches itself regularly, Valorant is 28gb so if your download is having an error I would cancel it and contact riot support
24 hours
its still going
maybe try and reinstall again
ive seen some posts that valorant is 48 gb for them
idk its 20-30 usually? but u can try and wait
yeah ill do that
I can promise you it is not 48gb
The game itself is 28gb
Patches are at most sometimes a few gbs if it's large
then should i contact support?
I would suggest try restarting the download, if it goes over 28gb again contact support
i think ur pc might not realise its a glitch and downloads until it says 48 gb and when its done its 30 gb anw
could pausing the download be a cause?
like when i pause and continue it goes back to 0%
The download is glitched itself then
does it go quickly back up to what the % was at?
Cancel and retry
it takes same time as before
oh yh no just stop and reinstall again not worth waiting then
it doesnt realize or see the already downloaded ig
yeah thats the cause ig
but then i cant pause it at all?
i mean u can try and see if it does the same again bc then there might be another underlying cause of the issue
yk what ill contact support cuz no way i have frequent power cuts i cant "not pause"
ok yeah smart
this is just wrong, valorant is ~50GB installed nowadays
but if u keep pausing and it goes back to 0% youll have a hard time to be able to download 50 gb
Considering I reinstalled it 2 days ago and it says 28gb I'm not sure about that lol

damn it really expanded from when i first downloaded it
maybe its random for every pc ranging from 50 to 28?
could also be
for shaders etc
did u try and reinstall and check if it goes back everytime its paused?
ill contact support cuz im not gona waste another 24hours to get back to 28gb
okii good
andd it worked!
support didnt even answer
i just didnt pause it all day
its 50gb tho 😭
Ofc it is
What did u think it was?