320 damage but no kill?
Shows I hit the omen 320 with 2 headshots but he was still alive when we lost the round lol. Why does it show this?

20 Replies
Healing character.
No healing character in this match for them
Their 5th was a kayo I believe
Sorry should’ve mentioned that in the original post
ive got no clue then lol
Bro was so confident
Also how does a healing charecter even heal them after they have been hit in the head by a vandal for 160
my bad og
@jidat well then do you know how this happened?
Just a glitch most prob
did u perhaps shoot him in an ult state? thats the only thing i can think of tbh
no lol its a glitch probably idk
he can be shot in ult
320/2 = 160
did u wall bang him anywhere
even then
it doesn’t make sense
If you shoot an omen ult it deals 160 dmg
so if you played a gamemode like spikerush, it would be a reasonable explanation
he does
not when just shooting the shadow of the ult where hes about to appear
ye and then he tps back
it doesn’t do dmg
it does
its the same with a phoenix ult
its showing on your combat report, but as a seperate character
then why is his combined
i’ve never had an instance where it told me i did dmg to a omen ult
if i had to guess its because no omen can ult twice in a single round (except spike rush). so its probably not 100% implemented in the game
who knows i have like 10 games of spike rush total
I may have shot his omen ult that round not sure. Also this was a comp game.