
i don't think I get the maximum fps possible my pc specs are Cpu :- i3 3220 GPU :- Gt 730 Ram :- DDR3 8gb
1 Reply
Support Agent
Support Agent9mo ago
Based on your PC specs, your CPU and GPU are on the lower end for gaming in 2023. Here are some steps to optimize your FPS in VALORANT: 1. Lower In-Game Settings: Set all graphics settings to the lowest possible. This includes texture quality, detail quality, and UI quality. 2. Resolution: Lower your in-game resolution. Running the game at 720p rather than 1080p can significantly improve performance. 3. Background Processes: Close unnecessary background applications to free up CPU and RAM resources. 4. Windows Performance Settings: Set your Windows power plan to "High Performance" in the Control Panel under Power Options. 5. Graphics Drivers: Ensure your GPU drivers are up-to-date. Visit NVIDIA’s website to download the latest drivers for the GT 730. 6. Game Mode: Enable "Game Mode" in Windows settings (Settings > Gaming > Game Mode). 7. Vanguard Settings: Ensure Riot Vanguard is running smoothly, as issues here might affect performance. Restarting it can sometimes help. These steps should help get you better FPS, but note that your hardware will inherently limit maximum performance. Consider upgrading components for a more substantial improvement.
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