why is my ban timer going up?

i got banned from ranked last week and at the time i had around 140 hours on the ban, i now have 246 hours left on the ban and haven't been afk or any reason for ban at all
1 Reply
Support Agent
Support Agent9mo ago
It sounds like you may be experiencing an issue with how your ban timer is displayed or processed. Riot's system for bans should typically count down as expected. Here are a few things you can try or consider: 1. Check Account Status: Make sure there haven't been any additional penalties added to your account. This can sometimes extend the ban duration. 2. Contact Support: If you’re certain you didn’t break any further rules, this might be a bug. Visit Riot Games support here and submit a ticket. 3. Double-check by Re-logging: Sometimes, the client can display incorrect information. Try logging out and back into your Riot account to see if the timer corrects itself.
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