answer please

i got a acc that if i like leave a match 1 more time or dissconect im going to get banned but its level 25 and bronze 1 when my alt account is level 11 so do i play at my lvl 25 account and probably buy skins when im better?
15 Replies
Geniux6mo ago
:SCwhat: what
racoons are goated
racoons are goatedOP6mo ago
bro i got a account that i got like alot of time warnning and if i get 1 more time im banned and i was asking if i should keep playing on it and probably buy skins when im better
Geniux6mo ago
:uhh: just dont leave your games and you can buy whatever you want without being banned
racoons are goated
racoons are goatedOP6mo ago
but like if i disconnect? like my internet crashes? its bannd like if my internet crashes im banned
Geniux6mo ago
wont the other account literally be the same then at least in a couple days :ajshrug:
racoons are goated
racoons are goatedOP6mo ago
not really what would u do? if u were me
Geniux6mo ago
fix your internet to not be banned :Hmm:
cc6mo ago
what is this thread 😭 stop leaving ur games fam if u think ur internet is gonna dc dont q go play offline minecraft
racoons are goated
racoons are goatedOP6mo ago
like i have to go eat or go to school its not just that bro
cc6mo ago
then dont queue if you know youre going to go eat or to school like what?
racoons are goated
racoons are goatedOP6mo ago
u dont understand u just dont
Tempest6mo ago
@racoons are goated so the account will get temporary bans and after a while of not getting so many penalties it will go back to warnings though if you keep getting penalties they will be longer and longer each time untill going afk dies down
dr_kobra6mo ago
it's simple don't q if you got school or to eat soon it's not that hard
ezbwfr6mo ago
how dumb can u be its legit the most simple logic ever to the point that even 5 year olds can comprehend it if ur time limit is up or its close to the time that u need to eat/sleep/go outside DONT QUEUE!
cc6mo ago
That’s what I’m saying This guy has to be like fucking 1 year old Convinced he doesn’t have a brain or something It’s like asking “I’m jumping around with my broken leg, what do I do to make it stop hurting ?”

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