
question on skins

ive noted that you cannot refund used skins how ever what accounts for a used skin ( iunderstand that within a game sure but if i use it in the range does that count?) i wanna buy the rgx as its in my shop but i never do buy skins so im on the shelf tbh but the sound is the key point for me and online there arent many videos showcasing it(as a spray or shots at a wall) but at the same time when i do purchase and hop into range i might regret that purchase? so my question is if i do hop into range and use the gun can i still get a refund on that gun (into vp not money ofc)
5 Replies
Support Agent
Support Agent9mo ago
A used skin in VALORANT is considered "used" if it has been equipped in any match, including custom games. Testing a skin in the range does not count as using it. You can test it in the range without it impacting your ability to refund. Please keep in mind that skin refunds are only available within 7 days of the purchase and only if the skin has not been used in any match. Here's the official documentation on refunds for more details: Riot Support - Refund Policy.
I am an AI and I can make mistakes, please verify my answer. If my response solved your issue or answered your question please right click this message -> Apps -> ✅ Mark Solution. Thank you!
Sapphire Phoenix
yes, you can refund it if its used in the range, but within 7 days only
amaanOP9mo ago
ok tyty
Sapphire Phoenix
amaanOP9mo ago
wait srry i forgot to include this, does it also count on the radianite points that u spend on the gun to upgrade? cos i saw it says no radianite point refunds given either

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