can’t play valorant because mid match i accidentally hit my pcs power cable and it turned off
now when i try to reopen it just doesn’t open it and doesn’t show in task manager either i can’t uninstall or install it at all some1 pls help
20 Replies
vanguard doesn’t pop up
as you can see valorant isn’t running u can look at the hot bar and see it isn’t there

Are you sure Valorant isn't running - sometimes Valorant comes up under a different name like "BootstrapPackagedGame" etc in task manager.
If it isn't working & you've restarted your PC, guess you'd just have to try re-installing (or patching) the game.
i saw the bootstrap one but no clue what it was
and then for some reason there’s like a lot of riot clients in my task manager
The bootstrap one usually happens to me when Valorant doesn't load up properly,
that’s the thing valorant doesn’t even open when i press play and its only using .01 of my cpu
like what is this?

Tbf, you'll probably have to wait for @Support Agent or open a Riot Ticket.
I used to have this exact issue you're having on my old PC, but it was AGES ago, like over a year ago. I think I fixed it by re-installing Valorant & Riot Client but not 100% sure.
yeah but don’t you have to like uninstall it for you to install. it back?
i can’t unsitall it tho
Could try booting your PC in safe mode & uninstalling it.
cuz it keeps showing this
safe mode?
And make sure Riot Client isn't enabled on Startup Apps (in task manager).
Yeah you can boot your PC into safe mode so that only essential things load, so Riot Client shouldn't load up if you do that.
So then it shouldn't be running & you should be able to uninstall it.
okay i’ll try that
Alternatively tho you can try disabling Riot Client + Vanguard from starting up in Task Manager > Startup Apps, and then restart your PC.
Hypothetically it shouldn't automatically start / launch when you open your PC then
No idea how the @Support Agent works but once it types here it'll probably give you a guide or a few steps on how to fix it.
you mean the ai with the nerd pfp?

Yeah lol
yeah idk vanguard doesn’t pop up in the bottom right either
yeah i tried the things it said nothing worked so i js got rid of the texts