So guys, my internet has gone out many times and over the past couple of weeks ive accumulated some "restricted time", but ive waited it out. Ive just unlocked ranked by hitting lvl 20, but all the time i have accumulated, i have to wait again aka 250hours. Please fix this so you only have to wait out the timers once.

11 Replies
It looks like you're experiencing an issue where accumulated restriction time must be waited out again after unlocking ranked play. Unfortunately, there's no way currently to bypass or reset these restriction timers once they are in place, as they are applied due to past disconnections which affect game integrity and player experience.
I recommend making sure your internet connection is stable to avoid future restrictions. If you believe this is a bug or if you want to request a review of your situation, you can submit a support ticket to Riot Games here.
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ban time is more for comp than all other modes
I still am yet to play competetive and i js got another 80 hours, why the hell is this happening

i didn't even disconnect in any other gamemodes
why the fuck is this issue occuring
can sm1 from riot js remove the time on my acc, or atleast remove the 80 hours that were falsley added
its not that easy to get better internet, u have to pay
you are saying that if you click on unrated you have no queue timer?
Do you pay for your internet?
yh, its still shit
me too I have the same bug
they should rlly fix it
i aint stopping till a mod comes here and fixes this
fucking hell lad
The mods in the server aren’t like actual people who work at riot😭
bro submit a ticket at the riot support website
nobody gon do shit here