
i need an urgent help from admin

please help me please someone who works with riot i need your help i dont want to loose my acccoutn someone stole it i can screenshare
11 Replies
Support Agent
Support Agent9mo ago
I'm sorry to hear that your account has been compromised. The best and quickest way to regain control is to follow the official steps provided by Riot Games: 1. Immediately go to the Riot Games support page: Riot Games Support. 2. Submit a ticket with as much detail as possible, including any evidence you may have. 3. In your ticket, specify that your account has been stolen and you're requesting assistance to recover it. Riot's support team is best equipped to handle these situations, and they'll guide you through the process to secure and recover your account. Screenshare is not necessary at this stage; the support ticket includes all needed steps.
I am an AI and I can make mistakes, please verify my answer. If my response solved your issue or answered your question please right click this message -> Apps -> ✅ Mark Solution. Thank you!
unlukyOP9mo ago
i cant go back to my ticket i ahve to be logged in how does that work i literally got my account stolen
Diet Pepsi
Diet Pepsi9mo ago
VANGUARD Main9mo ago
:valQuestion: If you have forgotten your login credentials or your account has been compromised, you can try to recover your account by heading to the link below. Permanently banned or deleted accounts cannot be retrieved. Account Recovery: https://support-valorant.riotgames.com/hc/en-us/articles/360046229573-Recover-Your-Account
unlukyOP9mo ago
i did that its just that i cant go back and check the ticekt it says i gotta be logged in on a account and when i try to login it just says
unlukyOP9mo ago
No description
unlukyOP9mo ago
No description
Diet Pepsi
Diet Pepsi9mo ago
i would try making an alt account and using that to contact support also try the automated account recovery use the ticket system if recovery tool doesnt work
unlukyOP9mo ago
Don’t work It says u gotta be logged out
Diet Pepsi
Diet Pepsi9mo ago
logged out to contact support? how does that work
Saucywan9mo ago
Yeah it's because of your account was stolen how that hell would you be logged into that account So you have to reply via emails

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