Every server except HK ping is 100+
I play on SG server and at night until recently or this update, the ping would go 100 or above, hong kong ping is remained the same, pretty sure this happens to almost everyone, my ping is below 20 when playing on sg and at night all server ping go bonkers except hk
14 Replies
It sounds like you're experiencing high ping issues at night on all servers except the Hong Kong server. This can happen due to a variety of reasons, such as ISP routing issues or network congestion during peak hours. Here are a few steps you can take to potentially resolve or mitigate this issue:
1. Check your Internet Connection: Ensure that your internet connection is stable and that no one else on your network is using a lot of bandwidth (e.g., streaming, downloading files).
2. Restart Your Router: Sometimes, a simple router reboot can help resolve connectivity issues.
3. Use a Wired Connection: If you're using Wi-Fi, switch to a wired Ethernet connection for more stable and lower latency.
4. Update Network Drivers: Ensure your network drivers are up to date.
5. Contact Your ISP: If the problem persists, contact your ISP to check if they are experiencing network congestion during specific hours and see if they can offer any solutions.
6. Use a VPN: Occasionally, using a VPN can route your traffic more efficiently and reduce ping.
For further detailed assistance, please visit the Riot Games support page.
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these solution isn't even helping
pretty sure valorant problem

I've been experiencing the same since the previous patches.
My average ping in SG is like 80ms and Mumbai at 30ms. HK is at 110ms max, which is currently the lowest ping I can play
My SG ping right now is at 200+ ms.......
Why is SG server lagging so bad??? The ping is like a rollercoaster going up and down. I tried playing on HK server but there is Network Problem even though it is 50ms, the experience itself is like enemy suddenly appear in front of you. SG server is chaos sometimes good ping sometimes bad ping, I'm currently living in Malaysia which is like the closest country to Singapore and I keep experiecing High Network Latency. Normally, it would be a stable 15 to 20ms but right now it is 60 to 200 or above.
Valorant SG server is a problem that haven't been fixed for a long time and this problem arise randomly. I ran a test on SG server for ms check and the data shows there isn't supposedly to be lagging

same here big bro
idk what wrong with this game I normally get 30-40 now its 172ms

how can a company like riot mess up servers?
I think they don't even care about these issues, and they mostly likely use 'game development' as an excuse to put this aside. I'm frustrated because I can't even grind comp properly and enemies are just playing with better latency
yeah im not playing for now too . I mean 172 ms might be bad yes but if you have 0 packet loss its possible to play but its so weird. and ofc most people want to play with low ping
it is possible to play unrated but for comp other people are getting 20ms meanwhile you're only getting 100+ms and they just kill you before you see them
lol imma need a riot buddy for compensation
we (everyone who plays valorant in israel has high ping since last patch) from 53ping we play on 80 nowdays and they dont care , i have no idea what they are trying but they are changing it every week , its not about ISPS , its riot side problem , every other game is fine , only in league and vlaorant our pings are high