Why did I get banned?
I haven't played the game for a few months, and when I return to play I get this??? I didn't even play how am I supposed to use 3rd party soft wares?

56 Replies
I used to have blitz/riot tracker on but I faced no issues before, are they illegal or something??
u was cheating
May have*
Doesn't mean they were, third party programs means third party programs. Not directly a cheat client.
naw if he got a perma ban NO APPEAL he was 100% cheating
Thats not how it works
third party software is CHEATING thi
Third party software can include a lot of things.
like cheats
This includes, say, popular apps like Valorant Tracker.
y can't get banned for tracker
u can get banned for cheats
Yes, I've said it does INCLUDE cheats into that, I was saying it may not have been cheats that caused him to have been banned.
Actually you can, same with many other trackers.
I mean what I mean.
u can't get banned for tracker
Yes you can.
no u can't
The Anti-cheat detects Valorant Tracker, and other trackers as third-parties (Which, they are) so then it blocks you from valorant/riot
It does mate, you don't have to believe me but it does.
riot encourages u to use porofessor etc in league so it should be the same with valorant
no u can't get banned for tracker
Thats not how it works-
League is a entirely different fucking game, we are talking about VALORANT not league.
Like I fucking said, you don't have to believe me but I'm speaking the truth.
over wolf is partnered with riot ijrc
how can u get banned for something that is literally encouraged to use
ur not tho
idk why u keep saying u can get banned for tracker
u can't get banned for using an over wolf app
You do know, I've literally been fucking telling you.
but ur lying?
u can't get banned for tracker
this happened to me 2 years ago i didn't have any 3rd party software besides, valorant tracker
I have never saw anyone get banned for using bal tracker
yuh but it was a temporary ban right?
YOU'VE never seen anyone, I have.
same ban as him
u get hardware banned for 4 months
did u get unbanned
made a new account
ok. fair
tracker has 7 milion users tho
he was prob using something else as well
it isnt valorant tracker
its a false ban cause some software that isnt related at all to valorant
because vangaurd is spyware pretty much
they dont tell you what third party software it is
discord is a 3rd pary software
'What about false positives?
Players claiming a "false ban" are in one of seven categories, ordered here by likelihood:
They are presenting a fictional narrative.
They tested a cheat on a smurf, poisoning their main through hardware linking (known internally as "whoopsie daisies").
They shared their account with someone who cheated, usually a paid boosting service or a relative.
They repeatedly queued with a booster that used cheats and ate a 180 day ban for their trouble.
Their account was stolen by a serial rage hacker, who used it to torture other players for exactly 6 games.
They used cheating software for another game, and Vanguard unfortunately picked it up.
They have malware installed that '
yeah but tracker has access to riots API so why would h get banned for something that's literally partnered and approved by riot...
did u have cheats for other games
or any other kernel level stuff
or borrowed account?
or played with a cheater
i asked them what third party software i was using 2 years ago that got me banned, wasnt allowed to know
u can get banned for so much stuff lol
I see
vangaurd isnt perfect it gives more false bans than actual bans this has been happening for years
you will see alot of people on twitter complain about this
bro, i dont cheat
im literally silver 1
the last suspension i got was a 7 day suspension for going afk
played a couple unrated matches during that, quit to wait out the suspension, then logged back in to the perma ban
ive made a ticket yesterday, no response yet due to high volume
i got recently false ban like this
riot is dog
they rejected my ticket too
@typeshii hard luck buddy
yea if you have other secret programs too because streamers and prof players use it
there is a possiblity
a ban wave was on recently. many others and i were banned for “third party”. i sent a ticket tho and was unbanned 12 hours later
Did you share account with someone? and do you have 2 steps authentication
or how it was spelled
no, i dont
they rejected me
i got unbanned too
Bash 2.1 here at your service today🙋♀️
I definitely understand it can be concerning to have your account suspended when no transgression has been committed, but we can get you taken care of.
This account is permabanned due to accessing the game from banned hardware. However, I looked at this case closely and there has definitely been some suspicious activity on this account when it was permabanned.
Since I see this suspension was due to the behavior of the unauthorized user, I don't believe that the ban was deserved, so I've gone ahead and released the suspension on the account.
Just keep in mind this is an exception to our normal policies, and we can’t always help out with this sort of issue, so keep your account safe out there!
Hope this helps and is clarified.
If there's anything else I could assist you with, please feel free to contact me again. I'll be at your disposal! 👊
Best Regards,
Bash 2.1
Riot Games Player Support
"I paused my game to be here."
"Saya berhenti bermain untuk berada di sini."
i think my account got hacked before
ooooh, alright
luckily i also got unbanned but this got me sweating
i also got false banned recently
but everytime i make a ticket

- Riot
@typeshii @kristithebeastie what did u guys type in ticket's discription