Error Codes

Does anyone know why I keep getting random valorant errors codes it was first 1067 than 185 or 165 I forgot than it was van 5
2 Replies
Support Agent
Support Agent9mo ago
For continuous error codes like 1067, 185, 165, and VAN 5, here's what you can try: - 1067: Restart VALORANT and your computer. This code often relates to server connectivity issues or local network problems. - 185/165: Problems with the Vanguard, VALORANT's anti-cheat system. Try reinstalling Vanguard. Open the Riot Client, go to Settings, and uninstall Riot Vanguard. Restart your PC and relaunch VALORANT to reinstall it. - VAN 5: Vanguard issue related to possible software conflict. Restart VALORANT and the Riot Client. If it persists, uninstall Riot Vanguard via the Riot Client, restart your PC, and then launch VALORANT to reinstall Vanguard. Ensure no software is conflicting with Vanguard. If issues persist, you may need to check your system for problematic software that could interfere with Vanguard. Also, consider reaching out directly to Riot's support site for specialized assistance.
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iheartpsilocybinOP9mo ago
Now I am getting van -1 and the site says its an uninstall faliure. I think something is trying to remove vangaurd which causes the problem

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