ping spike

Everytime I play, my spike will ping up to 200-400 every 30 seconds. I play the US servers, typically the California one, this normally hasn't happened for the past year until recently. I use COX internet service, which I'm aware is ass, but it still wasn't even this bad. Any help or advice?
3 Replies
perse ☆
perse ☆OP8mo ago
There's no issue with my actual FPS dropping it's literally just my ping and it makes it unplayable bump PLEASE my ping is so SHIT
(ᴖᴖ )  ︵  wynter .ᐟ
i think the servers r buggy rn .. it's been happening to me & my duo , and like everyone else i've met in games today
perse ☆
perse ☆OP8mo ago
Nvm I fixed it!! JUst checked for my amd updates and it worked ^_^

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