Next Agent Unlock
i play in silver-gold elo, sometimes plat, can play most agents well including jett, kayo, gekko, omen, killjoy
im on my second account, which agent should i get next?
astra breach chamber cypher deadlock fade harbor viper yoru

28 Replies
cypher is a nice to have in your arsenal if you know lineups imo
astra is ass
breach is good on like 2 maps
chamber is not good
cypher beast on basically all maps except ice box
dead lock is hot i need her badly
fade is dog shit sova knock off with less plays
harbor is ass
viper is good on icebox only rn
yoru fun for team flashing and trolling
maybe yuro
no are u crazy
dont listen to this guy
u should get cyoher @j
yuro is fun
bad pick most of the time
its true tho
every agent is good if you know how to play them.
ye duh a radiant astra will shit on people
but doesnt mean a radiant clove is a better choice
I mean...
Neon is awful if you don't know how to play her
Yoru the best agent
cypher too
sova way too hard, you need to actually aim with the shock darts
bro literally a walking security system
sova easy
why did my gif get deleted
just learn
sova + odin + esp
any agent+odin=funny
nah but sova gets esp
5 odin vs 5 vandal =

whats esp?
Extra sensory perception
Ability to see somethign you shouldn't like seeing someone through a wall
just straight up hacks
i mean Cypher/Sova has it
But yes mostly related to cheating software
not passive tho?
Minecraft chestESP was the thing back in the day 🙏
u gonn be playing counter strike game if u dunno ur agent
actl i have these agents on my main acc but ion wanna waste time unlocking useless agent yk
out of all of them i have the most experience in astra
havent played breach since i was in bronze