I have a ban for 24 hours on competetive because my screen froze for 7 rounds

I wanted to train in unrated for competetive, so I booted up unrated. I picked killjoy and the game started loading. For 10 minutes I was stuck at the screen where you select your agen, and after the 10 minutes it loaded me in. How is it fair? I got banned for something that's not my fault.
3 Replies
Diet Pepsi
Diet Pepsi9mo ago
you got banned because you caused your team to 4v5 the game it might not be entirely your fault but your teammates still suffered because of something on your side
CyPieter >3
CyPieter >3OP9mo ago
But after I loaded we started winning, I was actually mvp I think My team didn't believe that we could turn it around so they voted to surrender
Diet Pepsi
Diet Pepsi9mo ago
the problem still remains your team had to 4v5 for over half the game it might not fully your fault but you are still the cause

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