

My tpm is 2.0 My seccure boot is enabled and im on UEFI but it keeps giving me the error
1 Reply
Support Agent
Support Agent9mo ago
If your TPM is 2.0, Secure Boot is enabled, and you're using UEFI, but you're still encountering issues with Vanguard (e.g., VAN9001, VAN9002, etc.): 1. Double-check BIOS Settings: Ensure that both Secure Boot and TPM are properly configured in BIOS. Sometimes, toggling them off and then back on can help. 2. Update Windows: Ensure your operating system is fully up-to-date. Outdated versions can conflict with Vanguard. 3. Check Vanguard Files: The error can sometimes be resolved by reinstalling Vanguard: - Close VALORANT and the Riot Client. - Navigate to "Add or Remove Programs" in Windows settings. - Uninstall "Riot Vanguard." - Restart your computer. - Launch VALORANT, which will prompt Vanguard to reinstall. 4. Run as Administrator: Ensure you're running both VALORANT and the Riot Client as an administrator. 5. Support Ticket: If none of these steps work, consider submitting a support ticket through the Riot Games support site. For further troubleshooting, please refer to this Riot Support Article.
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